Project Management

For the synoptic project we organised ourselves as a group using trello which meant we effectively worked together and knew what we each had to do. As a group we had some issues with filming shots and doing some tasks we were assigned, but after some time we did manage to sort out these issues and as of now it seems that everything is finished and ready. On trello we each had our own tasks assigned but some tasks had multiple people or the entire group. We also had a finished section that we would put the tasks in when done. We started with the tasks in different sections for pre-production, production and post production but as the tasks were complete we didn't need this order anymore. We also had some extra tabs for different things such as the presentation feedback section where we got feedback from our teachers. One other thing we had was a resources tab where we put links each of us found to different tutorials to help each other to do work, here anyone could help anyone no matter what task they are doing by just adding some tips or videos here, we also used it to note down videos for ourselves too. In the resources area the final thing was our usernames and passwords for our multiple google drive accounts, we had to make multiple because of the 15gb limit on each drive and our project was quite big so we couldn't fit it all on one drive. On the drives we saved all our work so anyone could access anything at any time and if they forgot login details they could check on trello to see.

We also did scrum meetings on top of trello, here we met up together and talked about how we were doing in the project individually and what we plan on doing, this was good to not just rely on trello tasks and know head on what the issues were and how to fix them. Scrum meetings last for 15 minutes and can also reference the past for example what you did yesterday and if you need to improve it.


We didn't do scrum meetings too often so I would of liked to do it around 2 times a week or more. In scrum there is a few different methods that we follow.

Transparency - This is the group work being clear for everyone and everyone having the same opinion on what the finished product should look like

Inspection - This is done by the group and the scrum masters, it is infrequent inspections that will judge us on how we are working and what we need to improve on to reach our sprint goal. The sprint goal is a time frame we have to get a finished product while we follow certain stages such as the product backlog and sprint planning. This works as a loop so at the review if the requirements aren't met then we go back to the first stage.

Adaptation - This is where the group adapts to the review and improves their product. This adjustment must be done as soon as possible to not interrupt workflow.

We also had to be agile in our group this means that we were able to fix issues when the came and make the changes we needed to. This also means that we had to balance multiple tasks. In my case this could mean doing the lighting while also doing the vfx for the hologram

We also did start off with a gantt chart which was more scheduled as it had different times for each task to be completed. Although we didn't use the gantt chart later on because of the trello being more easy to access and update. If we had to do this again sticking to a gantt chart will help us manage each task by knowing how long we had to do it.

Risk assessment

Here is the original risk assessment that was made by chloe, it was very focused around production and filming so I decided to add some of my own on that talked about the project as a whole
