Storyboard: Counter strike

This week our task was to create a story board of a scene of our choice, I decided to use the counter-strike : global offensive trailer.

I did 20 shots and commented on what type shot it was and if anything happened with the camera mid scene, pan for example.

My two favorite shots were  the 19th with the extreme close up and the 3rd shot which is over the shoulder.

Here the counter-terrorist is defusing the bomb which is a very intense scene, they used an extreme close up here to show the face details, especially the eyes as they dart over the place to check for the  terrorist and defuse the bomb at the same time.

Here was a scene where one of the terrorists was killed and is lying dropping the bomb, and the camera is over the shoulder of the other terrorists, here you could see a black doorway which gives tension for the terrorists to see what would be around the corner.

In conclusion I think that this project went pretty well overall, each of my shots were detailed for a simple storyboard and had arrows to easily carry the reader through the storyboard with a nice flow. It also had the different camera shots underneath. If I could add more to the storyboard I would of liked it to be an animatic but that would of taken a lot longer


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