Imagined worlds - London animatic
Here is my imagined worlds animatic. After we got the sounds I put them into adobe audition and sony vegas pro 14 to get my sounds. Next I got my Photoshop file and broke it down to separate layers and rendered them as pngs. Then I could drag each layer into my premiere and edit from there. Here is the timeline with most of the project at the back lower down on the timeline. As you can see the background and the buildings are separated but the drone does go lower down on the timeline. This is so the drone can go in front before and behind the building. Here is the effect control for my drone, as you can see as it moves it also gets bigger as the scale also moves. Here is the drone path. This shows the drones route and I could use this to edit as well as key frames. Here is one of my beams for my drone, this was simply made using the rotate and a bit of positioning to move the beam. Here is my clock tower. I edited the hand so it...