Sergio Toppi

Sergio Toppi

Sergio Toppi is an Italian artist who specializes in using traditional artwork. He uses pen and has no other colours than black and white. With his unique artistic style most of the illustrations look mysterious and dark. Sergio uses cross hatching to illustrate his artwork but he also likes to add in a lot of details and shapes to make his artwork more crazy.

I like his artwork because of the amount of detail he can get out of simply using pen with the cross hatching technique while also adding shapes and lines.

This could help me in my storyboard work because there in no need for color as you can clearly see whats going on because of the shading and detail done with cross hatching

Image result for sergio toppi artwork

Image result for sergio toppi artwork

Here Sergio used white to add space and shapes to make his artwork more diverse and interesting to look at, the rest of the details on the face were simply shaded with black by cross hatching.

Image result for sergio toppi artwork


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