Jon Mcnaught

Jon Mcnaught

Jon Mcnaught uses a basic range of colors in his work, here you can see in the three images he likes to use blue and merge it with purple. This leaves the artwork simple colored but still makes it stand out. The art work is very simple with boxes almost showing a story.

I personally like this style because Jon only uses a few colours while still managing to make everything be defined and stand out. This also works pretty well in my opinion because purple and blue are analogous on the color wheel so they don't contrast each other as Jon's artwork looks more relaxing with these colours and illustrations

This could help me with story boarding as his artwork is generally layed out in squares or rectangles which lead off each other to show an event. Jon also shows that you don't need to put extreme detail in and with minimal colour it could really make my storyboard stand out

Image result for jon mcnaught

In this artwork he wrote a story using squares, here he added little text but still told a story. He used purple and blue which balances out the scene very well.
Image result for jon mcnaught
For the scene he used black and purple with some blue, the purple was generally used to show shadows and shade while black and blue take the primary spotlight for the main colours in the piece. This could help me with my story board because it had no words and can still portray something like my storyboard should.
Image result for jon mcnaught

Here he used blue and pink which fits better than his normal purple and blue in the scene because it acts more harmonious. This works well because in the scene ceramic pots and religious statues can be seen, this compared to the last seems to be a brighter scene


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